VISION IAS - ECONOMIC SURVEY SUMMARY 2022-23 XEROX[English Medium]Xerox Printed Material




Do you want to get a clear and concise overview of the Indian economy and its prospects for the next financial year? Do you want to learn about the key highlights, themes, and policy recommendations of the Economic Survey 2022-23? Do you want to prepare well for the UPSC civil services exam and other competitive exams that test your knowledge of economics? If yes, then this book is for you. VISION IAS - ECONOMIC SURVEY SUMMARY 2022-23 XEROX [English Medium] Xerox Printed Material is a comprehensive summary of the Economic Survey 2022-23, which was tabled by the Finance Minister on February 5, 2023. The Economic Survey is an annual document that reviews the performance of the Indian economy in the previous year and presents its outlook and challenges for the future. This book is written by Vision IAS, a leading institute for civil services preparation in India. The book covers all the important aspects of the Economic Survey 2022-23, such as: The GDP growth rate projections for FY22 and FY23 The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on various sectors and indicators The fiscal deficit and debt situation of the central and state governments The inflation trends and monetary policy stance The external sector performance and balance of payments The structural reforms undertaken by the government in various areas The social sector initiatives and welfare schemes launched by the government The key challenges faced by the Indian economy such as climate change, inequality, health care, education, etc. The policy suggestions made by the Economic Survey to address these challenges The book is presented in a simple and lucid language that is easy to understand and remember. The book also provides graphs, charts, tables, diagrams, infographics, etc. that help in visualizing the data and concepts better. The book also includes practice questions at the end of each chapter along with answers and explanations. With this book by your side, you will be able to grasp all the essential information about the Indian economy and its prospects. You will also be able to enhance your analytical skills and critical thinking abilities while solving questions based on economic issues. You will also be able to boost your confidence level and score high marks in your exams. Don’t wait any longer. Order your copy of VISION IAS - ECONOMIC SURVEY SUMMARY 2022-23 XEROX [English Medium] Xerox Printed Material today and start your learning journey towards success. USEFUL FOR UPSC CIVIL SERVICES,APPSC,TSPSC AND OTHER COMPETITIVE EXAMS

Book VISION IAS - ECONOMIC SURVEY SUMMARY 2022-23 XEROX[English Medium]Xerox Printed Material
Binding Paperback
Publishing Date Feb. 17, 2023
Edition 1st Edition
Language English Medium
Book Weight 130 grams

Customer Reviews

4.0 Average review score

Based on 4 reviews



ABBAGONA on Feb. 27, 2023, 11:53 a.m.



Prem123 on Feb. 13, 2023, 1:13 p.m.



SaiVenkat on Jan. 7, 2023, 5:53 p.m.



Navees143 on Jan. 4, 2023, 11:53 a.m.

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